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The Difference

People Before Profit Stories

Whether it’s helping a member escape predatory lending, rebuild credit, weather an illness, save for a home, or simply be given a second chance, credit unions are uniquely equipped to provide a lifeline when other financial institutions can’t or won’t. Check out our collection of stories below--all submitted by Wisconsin's credit unions. Have your own story you'd like to share? Submit your story here.

Story Collection

stories_t_summit credit union

"You Saved Me From Homelessness"

Jan 01, 2019
  • Fostering Financial Literacy
“You basically saved me from homelessness and several other awful life alternatives... I know it’s part of your job, but it made a huge difference in mine.”
stories_t_sheboygan area credit union

$20k in Interest Saved

Jan 01, 2019
  • Auto Loans
A member called to check on auto loan rates, because she felt the rate she received from another financial was high.
Royal Credit Union

Becoming a Homeowner in a Fraction of the Time

Jan 01, 2019
  • Home Loans
Sally was a single mother of two with a solid work history and good credit, but she had limited ability to save for a down payment.
stories_t_ripco credit union

Advocating for Individuals with Dementia

Jan 01, 2019
  • Addressing Elder Financial Abuse
Several Ripco staff members were deeply involved in helping one of our older members who was a victim of elder financial exploitation.
PCM Credit Union

Uncovering a Suspicious Charge on a Credit Card

Jan 01, 2019
  • Addressing Elder Financial Abuse
A 70-year-old member came to see me about refinancing the debt on one of his credit cards.
Oakdale Credit Union

Bake Sale to Benefit Community

Jan 01, 2019
  • Charity & Community Service
2019 was our sixth year of doing a Valentine’s Day bake sale to benefit Juneau County S.E.A. of Change, an organization that provides Support, Education, and Advocacy to those in need.

What's a Credit Union?

What makes credit unions different from other financial institutions, and why does it matter? 

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Don't Tax My Credit Union

Credit unions are different than banks. As not-for-profit financial institutions, credit unions put people first. That’s why more than 140 million Americans choose credit unions as their trusted financial partner.

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Credit Unions vs. Banks

What's the difference between a credit union and bank? Check out this interactive infographic! 

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Share Your Stories

From accounts of above and beyond member service, to granted second chances, to responses to disaster, to meeting community needs, to returning funds back to their members through patronage, and more—your stories educate policymakers and the public about their banking options and are vital to preserving The Credit Union Difference.
