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Credit Union Forms

Purchase Forms

If you wish to purchase a form, you must login to this website with your member credentials first before proceeding, then enter the online store here > > >Online Shop

(If you are looking for a copy of a form(s) you previously purchased, please send us an email, along with a list of the form number(s)). 

Note: Make sure you login as a member before entering the store and some members will need to login a second time after entering the store before being able to add any items to your shopping cart.  Ignore the Item Quantity selector in the store, it should always be 1-each when purchasing forms. See instructions below for further information.

Current & Compliant Forms for Your Credit Union

Constantly changing regulations means constantly changing forms, resulting in a lot of work and a lot of headache for you and your credit union.

Our forms program minimizes your credit union's compliance risk. All forms are available as a .pdf, giving you the flexibility to complete the forms electronically, print them out or incorporate them into your data processing system. 

Purchases are made via an annual licensing fee. This means that for each form you purchase, you'll get notified of any updates made to that form and the updated form is included in your annual licensing fee.

Updates to forms and new releases are announced in the Compliance Couriers. Updated forms will be sent via email to all current subscribers.

All pricing includes sales tax, if applicable.

(As of 2015 The League no longer sells any paper forms or paper form products in favor of credit unions' preferred electronic PDF format.)

How to Purchase & Download Forms

(You must be logged into the website as a League member before you enter the store.)

  1. After logging into this website with your member credentials, select the link above to enter the online store.
  2. Browse or search to find the form(s) you need.
  3. Under the form(s) you want to download, select the button for Add To Cart for each form you wish to purchase.  Ignore the Item Quantity selector in the store, it should always be 1-each when purchasing any of the forms.
  4. Click on the Shopping Cart link at the top of the page when you are done selecting all the forms you want to add to your shopping cart. Your Shopping Cart screen will open and the form(s) you want to download will be listed along with the current annual prices.
  5. Click on the button Proceed To Payment at the bottom of the page.
  6. Enter the appropriate billing and payment information, then click on the Complete Purchase button at the bottom of the screen. Note:  You must complete the Captcha at the bottom of the page to enable the Complete Purchase button.
  7. When the transaction is complete, the PDF form(s) will be available for download to your device. Look for the link/icon on the bottom of the checkout screen to retrieve your electronic form file(s). Some forms are sold as bundles (e.g. MLA versions), and you will download a .zip file containing multiple PDF form files. 


Please address form ordering questions to Jeff Bonk at (608) 640-4053, and questions about completion of the forms and compliance via email to the Compliance Hotline or call us at (608) 640-4050.

Credit Union Forms

Form Revision Dates & Categories

This document is a numerical and categorical listing of all the forms available in the online store with the most recent revision dates. The categories relate to the drop-down menu in the store and will help you find the forms you are looking for. Simply choose a category you are interested in from the drop-down menu in the store and hit the search button at the top of the page.
