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Membership @ Work

League Membership Features

The Wisconsin Credit Union League is hard at work on behalf of Wisconsin's credit unions and credit union members. See how your dues contribute to advocacy outreach, compliance support, continuing education, development initiatives, and timely communications that strengthen The Credit Union Movement. 

Advocacy at Work


The League represents and engages public officials on behalf of credit unions and their members. Along with credit union activists, we lobby for pro-credit union legislation, defeat harmful legislation, and cultivate relationships with policymakers to ensure they understand the value of credit unions so they can act to enhance, protect, and preserve them. In addition, The League works to improve regulations on credit unions, providing input from credit unions and following them from proposal to implementation.

Your membership is at work: 

  • Monitoring thousands of pages of proposals each session and lobbying on issues affecting credit unions
  • Informing and supporting Credit Union Activists year-round via regular email publications 
  • Providing in-person and written testimony on legislative proposals 
  • Fundraising to support pro-credit union legislators and candidates 
  • Guiding strategic giving from political advocacy accounts
  • Holding numerous meetings with legislators, policymakers, and key credit union regulators
  • Attending fundraising events to represent credit union interests 

Compliance at Work


The League helps you stay on top of the thousands of pages of new and changing regulations annually which– not surprisingly—has led 75% of credit union CEOs to say it’s become "very challenging" to keep up. Our combined compliance assistance helps to reduce credit unions’ exposure to regulatory penalties, prepare credit unions for visits by regulators, and protect the credit union and its members from liabilities that have the potential to affect income, member service, reputation, and more.

Your membership is at work: 

  • Maintaining and continually updating a full and searchable compliance library with thousands of resources
  • Answering thousands of compliance-related calls to help credit unions guide their operations
  • Lending the expertise of our compliance specialists to credit unions across the state via the Compliance Specialists Program
  • Publishing comment calls, tips, analyses, compliance news, and more through the Compliance Courier
  • Providing more than 100 free sample policies online via PolicyAid

Education at Work


The League delivers the know-how to serve members and manage all aspects of your operations. You gain the knowledge, skills, and peer contacts you need to succeed.

Your membership is at work:

  • Training 90% of all Wisconsin credit unions with over 200 programs each year that help 2,600+ front line, back office, and executive staff, as well as directors 
  • Offering live webinars and on-demand learning, with discounts for small credit unions
  • Facilitating networking and idea sharing through the chapter program, YP Network, Tristate Mentorship Match, League Councils, and our online networking platform commUNITY
  • Equipping the next generation of leaders through The League Leadership Institute, YP Network, and Tristate Mentorship Match program.

Development at Work


The League offers expansive resources and consulting expertise on virtually every topic your credit union needs to function and grow. The knowledge that our collaborative system has amassed over decades grows with each credit union we assist to save your credit union time, money, and needless risk. You accomplish more with greater confidence.

Your membership is at work:

  • Providing consulting services to credit unions in order to increase their efficiency and strategic positioning 
  • Saving credit union members money through the Saver's Sweepstakes® program
  • Increasing business lending opportunities for credit unions through Reach Business Lenders®
  • Facilitating Endorsed and Select vendor relationships that contribute to credit union growth and non-dues revenue streams
  • Curating resources to promote development, including a variety of initiatives and funding opportunities

Communications & Marketing at Work

Communications & Marketing

The League emphasizes constant communication about the good credit unions accomplish. Appreciation for credit unions as member-owned cooperatives not only accomplishes our legislative and regulatory objectives, but helps credit unions add new members.

Your membership is at work:

  • Sharing timely email communications on League news and upcoming events, including regular publications such as League News, YP News, Monday Message, and more 
  • Facilitating The Difference program to showcase how credit unions maximize their People Before Profit potential, including creation of the annual Scorecard
  • Promoting League events and opportunities so members can get the most out of their membership
  • Providing the latest news on The League, Wisconsin's credit unions, and trusted vendor partners
  • Communicating with credit unions and credit unions members across the state on social media
  • generating media coverage for Wisconsin’s credit unions to “Highlighting media coverage of Wisconsin’s credit unions"

2024 League Highlights

2024 League Highlights

America's Credit Unions Membership

The League is committed to dual membership with America's Credit Unions. It is our firm belief that a coordinated, interdependent system preserves a strong, effective voice for credit unions.

Features of membership include:

  • Relentless federal advocacy with support and collaboration at the state level
  • A clear, unified voice that’s representative of the entire industry
  • Strong compliance assistance
  • Industry-leading education and cooperative networking opportunities
  • Member engagement with an increased focus on responsiveness

Learn More About America's Credit Unions Membership >>
