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Appreciating the Importance of Credit

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Aug 7, 2024
Submitted by: Royal Credit Union
  • Fostering Financial Literacy
A student our Hennepin County correctional facility program recently expressed how hopeful he felt after participating in our program. He said that he had been in prison before and, after being released, he had no idea what to do. He felt like the lack of resources contributed to his return to the system. He expressed his appreciation for the education opportunities available at the Hennepin County Jail and now feels he has the tools needed to reenter the community and be successful. He wasn’t the only student who found the class beneficial. The police Sergeant also sent a message stating, “The class had raving reviews of the program. They shared that they had heard the word ‘credit’ before but didn’t know how much of an impact it can have on their lives until now. This is a testament to your program and what you are providing our facility.”