Our Footprint
Combating Financial Elder Abuse
Currently, financial abuse is the primary issue identified in 22% of all reported elder abuse-related crimes in Wisconsin,
and this exploitation has increased dramatically in recent years across the country. Learn how a Wisconsin credit union
obtained AARP Bank Certification so its employees are prepared to help protect their members' life savings.
Fostering Financial Wellbeing
Providing Financial Literacy Education & Resources
As part of their mission to foster financial wellbeing, credit unions provide financial literacy education and resources
to their communities, including to those who have been traditionally underserved and disenfranchised.
Learn how a successful partnership between a Wisconsin credit union and a youth residential care
center is helping children and adolescents learn about the power of saving.
In 2022, Credit Unions Helped Members Save
Numbers courtesy of midyear 2022 NCUA 5300 Call report Data, CUNA Economics & Statistics, December 2022
Survey of Wisconsin Credit Union League Members, Wisconsin credit union press releases, and Co-op Financial Services.