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League Leadership Institute

League Leadership Institute

The League’s Leadership Institute is designed to help emerging and mid-level managers build their leadership skills to more effectively prepare for succession planning and promotion.

This virtual school is being offered during a six-month period starting in August through December with two half-day sessions (8:30 am - 12:30 pm) each month during the same week for a total of 11 online sessions. Students are encouraged to partner with their supervisor to tailor the action plan to fit their professional growth plan. 

Download the brochure for session details & pricing >>

The Program Includes:

  • 4.4 total continuing education units (CEUs) from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee School of Continuing Education 
  • Certificate of completion from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education 
  • Earn a designation of Certified Wisconsin Credit Union Leader (CWCUL) designation from The League [must complete at least 5 of the 6 sessions] 
  • A total of 11 interactive, online sessions taught by leaders in their field with years of expertise putting theory into practice in the real world
  • Top 5 CliftonStengths assessment included in registration fee  
  • The book Crucial Conversations: Tools for When the Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan & Al Switzler
  • A personalized action plan following each module that includes 1-2 measurable items to be practiced on the job
  • Small class size limited to 20 students

2024 League Leadership Institute: 

Module 1: Leadership & Emotional Intelligence
August 27 & 29 | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Module 2: Employee Engagement & Coaching
September 10 & 12 | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Module 3: Creating & Leading Accountable Teams
October 1 & 3 | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Module 4: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
October 22 & 24 | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Module 5: Having Crucial Conversations + CliftonStrengths
November 5 & 7 | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Capstone: High Level Leadership at Work & Beyond
December 5 | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Download the brochure or contact League VP of Professional Development, Jennifer Esser for more details.

Register >>


Thank You to our 2024 Sponsors





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WISCUB Service Center


"I thoroughly enjoyed this program and learned many practical skills that I will be able to apply
right away on the job. This coursework really helped me develop into a better leader."

- Bonnie Rosenmeier, VP of Marketing & Member Service
Dane County Credit Union

"This program has opened my eyes to teaching, managing, and understanding
leadership skills in another way."

- Jason Golembiewski, Operations Manager
Enterprise Credit Union


Branch Manager Boot Camp Series

This exciting, four-part series focuses on the next generation manager who will be leading the vital transformation to client relationship management and an active advisory environment for the member to achieve financial goals.

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Accommodating neurodivergent employees effectively involves understanding their unique needs and preferences. Be sure to join us for this League Council hosted session. You don’t need to be a member of the Council to participate.