Your credit union or organization can pay for your registration to The Foundation Invitational! Because The Wisconsin Credit Union Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, contributions can be accepted from individuals, organizations, and vendors.

Don't miss our annual golf scramble to benefit the Wisconsin Credit Union Foundation!
The Wisconsin Credit Union Foundation.
Vendor Fillable Registration Form >>
Scramble format
8:30 am - Registration Opens
8:30 am - 10:00 am | Putting Contest Starts Promptly
10:00 am - Shotgun Start
Dinner served approximately at 3:30 pm
We will sell 50/50 raffle tickets along with mulligans on the course. So, bring cash, check or credit card...we take it all!
A special thank you to all of our many sponsors! The success of this event would be difficult to achieve without their support.