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Wisconsin's Credit Unions Save Members $431.6 Million in 2021

State GAC 2022 Recap
Jan 28, 2022
By Sammy Dennis
  • Advocacy

On January 26, over 130 Wisconsin Credit Union Activists shared The Credit Union Difference in meetings with their legislators for our annual State Government Affairs Conference. This included the unveiling of our 2021 Scorecard, which features stats, People Before Profit stories, and a video about how credit unions positively impact their members and communities. Some highlights from 2021 include:

  • Wisconsin's credit unions helped members save $431.6 million in better loan rates, fewer fees, and bonus dividends. 
  • Wisconsin's credit unions raised $13.8 million for local charities, community projects, and civic groups, along with countless volunteer hours 
  • 97% of Wisconsin's credit unions refinanced payday loan debt obtained elsewhere
  • Wisconsin has 3.5 million credit union members and 10,707 credit union employees 

Activists additionally asked legislators for their support of AB 478/SB 451, a bill to modernize the state statutes governing credit unions. Thanks to all who braved the bitter cold or joined us virtually to advocate for The Credit Union Movement!