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$95k Awarded in Foundation Credit Union Development & Difference Grants

$50k Awarded in Foundation Grants
Jul 27, 2023
By Sammy Dennis
  • The Foundation
  • Grants
The Wisconsin Credit Union Foundation is proud to announce the recipients of its Credit Union Development and The Difference Grants. In total, over $95,000 was awarded to six Wisconsin credit unions, allowing them to better serve their members and communities. 

Credit Union Development Grants
This grant assists Wisconsin's credit unions with technology- and operations-related expenses and upgrades that improve member service. This year's recipients are: 

  • Badger-Globe Credit Union, $15,000 for upgrades to consumer lending software and optimization 
  • County-City Credit Union, $15,000 for debit card modernization, including instant issue, contactless cards, and digital wallet functionality.
  • Enterprise Credit Union, $15,000 for the tokenization of debit and credit cards.
  • Holy Family Memorial Credit Union, $15,000 for the implementation of the Cancer Care Agent Program to end debt for terminally ill people.

The Difference Grants
The Difference impacts public and policymaker perceptions of Wisconsin's credit unions by showcasing how credit unions maximize their people-before-profit cooperative potential to meet the needs of members and their communities. This grant is to support Wisconsin credit unions offering innovative services and programs that provide affordable alternatives to high-cost financial products and services, increase financial literacy, and more. This year's recipients are:

  • Superior Choice Credit Union, $10,000 for Superior Students, an in-house financial literacy program for students ages Pre-K through college at schools in northwestern Wisconsin.
  • Verve, a Credit Union, Oshkosh. $10,000 for Fraud Squad,  which partners with local law enforcement agencies to help local citizens defend themselves against scams and fraud in our communities.

The grant application cycle for both Credit Union Development and The Difference grants runs from May 15-June 30 annually. These grants would not be possible without the generous support of Foundation donors and partners--thank you!

About The Author

Sammy Dennis is The Vice President of Communications for The Wisconsin Credit Union League.