Want to be sure you’re getting the most out of your League membership? Check out our new monthly series, Lessons on The League! These monthly mini courses, available on Classroom, include video tutorials and other resources that—in just a few minutes—will help you fully utilize everything The League has to offer, from education & training opportunities to compliance tools to development resources and much more. Simply head on over to Classroom and select “Lessons on the League” from our Course list.
Lessons on the League, Lesson # 5, continues with our series on “Connecting People with their Passions”. This month, learn all about the Young Professionals Network and Chapter Involvement. Wisconsin has one of the largest YP networks of the credit union leagues, numbering at over 950 members who are under the age of 35. Our YP Network focuses on providing career development opportunities, networking, and education. The YP Network benefits include discounts and early access to League events, special events and trainings tailored to YP’s specifically, and more. If you’re someone who wants to be more involved in leadership within our YP Network, there are many different opportunities available. In this lesson you will also learn more about our 5 different YP Network Committees: Advocacy Committee, Boot Camp Committee, YP Conference Committee, HYPE Committee, and the Philanthropy Committee.
Chapter Involvement is something that is available to everyone working in a Credit Union in WI. Unlike YP Network, there are no age limitations in Chapters. The League Chapter Program consists of 12 different Wisconsin Chapters. Chapter participation is organized by the county in which your branch is located. This lesson focuses on learning all about the Chapters, their meetings, and where to find the meeting schedules on our webpage. Find all this and more on this month’s, Lessons on The League!
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