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...for Wisconsin's Credit Unions®

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Another Successful Financial Education & Community Development Roundtable

Oct 03, 2023
  • Education & Events
  • The Foundation
On September 19-20, 45 credit union professionals joined us for another successful Financial Education & Community Development Workshop in Wausau!

Nearly 40 Attend Hike the Hill

Sep 24, 2023
  • Advocacy
Last week, nearly 40 Credit Union Activists from Wisconsin headed to Washington, D.C. for our annual Hike the Hill. Activists met with every office of the Wisconsin delegation and with the NCUA. CUNA also hosted legislative, political, and regulatory briefings.

Are Your Board Leadership Practices Causing Turnover?

Sep 22, 2023
  • Education & Events
“Til Death Do Us Part Inc.” realized that they needed to start doing board succession planning since they would likely be having a ton of turnover in the near future, because their board was getting older. What they didn’t realize was that their board leadership policy would cause another board member to leave earlier than they expected.

Wisconsin's Credit Unions Give Back

Sep 18, 2023
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  • Education & Events
As part of their mission, Wisconsin's credit unions are committed to the wellbeing of their communities. In fact, in 2022 alone, credit unions across the state donated $9.5 million to charities, community projects, and civic groups, in addition to providing countless volunteer hours.

Wisconsin's Credit Unions Support a Family's Relocation

Sep 15, 2023
  • More on The Movement
The man who led the World Council of Credit Unions’ project in Afghanistan and who later went into hiding before being captured and interrogated by the Taliban, is now in Pakistan with his family and hoping to restart his life with credit unions in Wisconsin.

Vital Information For Any Credit Union and Financial Professional

Sep 08, 2023
  • Education & Events
Come to Credit Union Connect starting on September 26 for an important economic update and report from John Koskinen, Chief Economist for the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. He has the latest information and the statistics to back it up. Get valuable insight into the recent past and near future on a host of important economic factors and trends.


Each year, The League publishes a video scorecard highlighting The Credit Union Difference in Wisconsin. 

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Credit Union Regulators

Information about credit union regulators and other public data on credit unions.

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Participants in our Endorsed & Select Vendor Programs are eligible to submit articles to our League News. 

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