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YP Be U App

Wisconsin’s YP Conference Goes Virtual – With a Twist

Sep 09, 2020
With the pandemic transforming daily life as we know it, a re-imagining of how young credit union professionals can still engage, network, and develop their skills is crucial. The Wisconsin Credit Union League’s solution? An interactive, social learning app.

Saver’s Sweepstakes® Offering Summer Relief Program

Jun 16, 2020
With the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting both daily life and personal finances, The Wisconsin Credit Union League’s Saver’s Sweepstakes® is offering more opportunities to win cash prizes just for saving.
2019 Gov Fin Lit Awards

Three Credit Unions Honored with Governor's Financial Literacy Awards

Feb 19, 2020
On Wednesday, Governor Evers honored over a dozen individuals, businesses, and organizations with the 2019 Governor's Financial Literacy Awards. Altra Federal Credit Union, Educators Credit Union, and Summit Credit Union were among the recipients.
CUNA Management System

Credit Union Compliance Management System is Now Available for All Wisconsin Member Credit Unions

Feb 19, 2020
The Wisconsin Credit Union League and Credit Union National Association announce the availability of our newest member benefit – Credit Union Compliance Management System™ (CU CMS).
Over 300 Credit Union Activists Visit State Capitol

Wisconsin’s Credit Unions Save Members $284 Million in 2019, $1.76 Billion in Last Decade

Jan 21, 2020
Today, over 300 Wisconsin Credit Union Activists from across the state visited lawmakers to share how credit unions are uniquely empowered to put the needs of their 3.3 million members and the communities they serve before profit.

Media Inquires

Please contact Sammy Dennis, VP of Communications. | (608) 640-4033