The Foundation supports the professional development and continued education of credit union staff and volunteers. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of need, the impact of the program on the credit union and the applicant's involvement in and commitment to The Credit Union Movement.
Available to staff and volunteers of Wisconsin Credit Union League-affiliated credit unions. Preference is given to credit unions under $100 million in assets, however applicants from credit unions of all asset sizes are encouraged to apply. The current financial position of a credit union will be considered, as well. Applicants must be actively involved in credit union activities. Examples include regular participation in chapter meetings, committee work, credit union activism, etc.
A maximum of $2,500 may be awarded provided all school requirements and expectations are satisfactorily met by the individual. The recipient's credit union will be reimbursed after the program is successfully completed.
Award Recipient's Responsibilities
After completion of the program, the recipient will prepare a brief summary of educational experience and share it with the Foundation.
Program Details
The scholarship applies to the summer session set for July 13-19, 2025 in Madison. See
America's Credit Unions for details.
Applications & Deadline
Applications are accepted between January 15 and February 28. Winners will be notified by March 31.
Josh Roberts at (608) 640-4065.