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stories_t_summit credit union

Setting up a Savings Plan

Apr 01, 2018
  • Fostering Financial Literacy
A teacher suffered financial hardships including a car accident, vet bills, and car repairs.
The Difference - Avestar Credit Union

Skits for Financial LIteracy

Mar 21, 2018
  • Fostering Financial Literacy
We educate members through skits written and performed by our staff at our annual meeting.
The Difference - Avestar Credit Union

Members are Not Just a Number

Mar 21, 2018
  • Second Chances & Refinancing
During the financial crisis several years ago, Avestar worked very hard with their members to modify their mortgage loans in response to job loss and subsequent loss of income.
The Difference - Avestar Credit Union

Offering Practical & Non-Judgemental Advice

Mar 21, 2018
  • Second Chances & Refinancing
Before Avestar offers an opportunity for a loan, we offer a free Credit Score Analysis (“CSA”).
stories_t_first choice credit union

Reducing Food Insecurity in Our Community

Mar 01, 2018
  • Community Partnerships
We are invested in meeting the needs of our members and communities. Our employees work monthly with the United Way to provide food bags for students, as part of the Nutrition on Weekends (NOW) program.
Verve, a Credit Union

Thinking of Our Members' Four-Legged Friends

Mar 01, 2018
  • Above & Beyond Service
We just had a member come in to the Brillion Branch with an unopened box of dog treats.
stories_t_ripco credit union

Listening & Putting Members First

Mar 01, 2018
  • Second Chances & Refinancing
Through financial counseling, we noticed a member had courtesy pay fees and $10,000 in various debts had lowered his credit score and left him feeling overwhelmed.
Marathon County Employees Credit Union

Because We Care

Mar 01, 2018
  • Charity & Community Service
We participated in the Share-A-Bear program with Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.
stories_t_heartland credit union 2024

Meeting Our Members Where They're At

Feb 01, 2018
  • Above & Beyond Service
A member suffered a bad fall and was confined to a room at a rehab center where she lacked computer access.
Thrivent Federal Credit Union

Moved By Our Service & Mission

Feb 01, 2018
  • Charity & Community Service
In 2017, we ran a new type of mortgage promotion where a member closing on a loan could choose the promotional dollars.
Thrivent Federal Credit Union

Improving Cash Flow

Feb 01, 2018
  • Second Chances & Refinancing
A member needed solutions to improve their cash flow and came to us for help.
PCM Credit Union

$50k Donation to Community Sports & Event Center

Dec 01, 2017
  • Charity & Community Service
For decades, the City of Marinette and various youth organizations have been talking about the construction of The Community Sports and Event Center.
stories_t_governmental employees credit union

Leaving No One Behind

Nov 01, 2017
  • Above & Beyond Service
Technology changes can sometimes be difficult for members to adapt to.
Blackhawk Community Credit Union

No Bank Would Help Them

Oct 01, 2017
  • Second Chances & Refinancing
A family moved to Wisconsin to care for their aging parents. After their parents passed suddenly, the family lost one job and experienced two car breakdowns.
Verve, a Credit Union

Creative Solutions to Refinancing

Sep 01, 2017
  • Second Chances & Refinancing
A non-member approached us to refinance an auto loan.
Verve, a Credit Union

Refinancing a Dealership Loan

Aug 01, 2017
  • Second Chances & Refinancing
We just had a member come in to the Brillion BraA member's 20 year-old granddaughter ended up with a 24.72% APR on her loan through the dealership as well as an expensive warranty she didn't want.
stories_t_oakdale credit union 2024

Assisting the Amish Community

Jun 01, 2017
  • Serving the Underserved
The Amish in our community sought our help obtaining Social Security numbers to obtain financial services.
Simplicity Credit Union

Making it Work

Apr 01, 2017
  • Home Loans
In appreciation for their care for an elderly neighbor, our members were offered her home at below market pricing.
stories_t_empower credit union

There During Life's Challenges

Mar 01, 2017
  • Rainy Day Support - Medical Bills
A member’s husband was severely injured while hunting, and they faced a long period of reduced income while they both focused on his recovery.
stories_t_brokaw credit union 2024

Covering the Need & More

Dec 01, 2016
  • Escaping Predatory Lending
A man with a laid-off spouse called seeking help to cover a medical bill and new tires.