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Compliance is one of the most in-demand League services. Our experts can help reduce credit unions' exposure to regulatory penalties, prepare credit unions for visits by regulators, and protect your credit union and its members from liabilities that have the potential to affect income, member service, reputation, and more.

Have a compliance question? Contact The League's Compliance Hotline at (608) 640-4050 or email

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Oct 29, 2019, 14:35 PM
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Complete collection of all of The League's ii (important information) Releases, including general and lending releases.
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Compliance Couriers

News Compliance Courier

Guidance covers "reconsiderations of value" for real estate lending

Jul 26, 2024

NEWS:  The NCUA and other federal regulators have issued final guidance on “reconsiderations of value” (ROVs) in residential real estate lending. 

When credit unions identify deficiencies in appraisal and valuation reports – either through their own review process or through information that a consumer has provided – it can call into question the report’s credibility. ROVs are requests from a lender to an appraiser (or other preparer of a valuation report) to reassess residential real estate’s value.

Comment Call Compliance Courier

CFPB proposes new mortgage servicing rules

Jul 16, 2024

NEWS:  The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has proposed changes that would rewrite its 2013 mortgage servicing rules. The amendments would simplify the “loss mitigation” process and give borrowers additional protections to help them avoid foreclosure. 

In releasing the proposal, the CFPB wrote: “In general, the proposed rule would streamline existing loss mitigation requirements to provide borrowers with quicker loss mitigation solutions, add foreclosure procedural safeguards that begin as soon as a borrower requests loss mitigation assistance, revise certain early intervention requirements, and provide borrowers with access to certain mortgage servicing communication in languages other than English. The proposed rule also requests comment on various servicing issues, including comment on servicer furnishing practices for consumer reporting.”

News Compliance Courier

NCUA & other regulators finalize AVM rule

Jul 15, 2024
NEWS:  Recently, the NCUA, CFPB and other federal financial regulators released a final rule on the use of Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) – sophisticated computerized models that rely on artificial intelligence to estimate real estate values. 
Q&A Compliance Courier

Husch Blackwell HR Q&A - FAQs about political speech and related workplace issues

Jul 12, 2024

Q&A:  This is part of a 2024 series of HR questions and answers, prepared by Melissa Caulum Williams, Senior Counsel at the Husch Blackwell law firm. 

If you have questions about this topic, or any matters related to employment law, The League’s free HR Legal Line can help. The League arranges to have Husch Blackwell attorneys provide up to an hour to address a credit union’s employment questions. You can find more information about the service via this Compliance Courier.
This month, Melissa covers several FAQs about political speech and related workplace issues. She wrote, “With the RNC coming to Wisconsin this month, the DNC in Chicago next month, and the November election right around the corner, we thought it would be helpful to provide credit unions with some guidance regarding political speech at work.”

Compliance Events


Data Activation Education Series 2024

The Data Activation Series is an integrated, educational program that offers educational artifacts, a 7-class data education course that helps credit unions develop data confidence and capability.

The Foundation Invitational

Don't miss our annual golf scramble to benefit the Wisconsin Credit Union Foundation!

Compliance Roundtable

Join a member of The League's compliance team as they lead a discussion on the latest changes in regulations and need to know information to keep your credit union in compliance.

Hike the Hill 2024

This annual event brings you face to face with decision makers in Washington to discuss the valued services your credit union provides, plus policy and regulatory issues.

Directors Roundtable - Virtual Series

Join us for this virtual event for Credit Union Board of Directors. These quarterly roundtables will feature a variety of topics specifically to enhance the role of Director.

CU Community Day

This year, The League will be joining other state leagues in hosting a community outreach day on Monday, October 14 (Indigenous Peoples' Day). This will be an opportunity to increase our visibility and showcase how Wisconsin's credit unions serve their communities. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details!