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Appointment Process

YP Network Advisory Board Member

YP Advisory Board members serve three-year terms, guiding the direction that the YP Network takes as a professional networking and development program. To be eligible, Advisory Board nominees must be:

  • Employed by, or volunteer at, a member-credit union of The Wisconsin Credit Union League.
  • 40 years of age or younger at the time of their nomination
  • Currently engaged or have a strong interest in credit union advocacy, outreach, education, and/or volunteerism beyond their current job role
  • Available to participate in quarterly conference calls and attend in-person meetings and other events such as The League’s Annual Convention, State GAC, nearby Chapter events, and YP meet-ups as needed
  • Familiar with The League’s YP development efforts to date (strongly encouraged)
  • Prepared to lead others, drive new ideas, and help promote the overall growth of credit unions in Wisconsin

Applications are currently closed. Watch for announcements via email and in YP News for the next opportunity to apply in Fall 2025.

YP Advisors to The League Board of Directors

YP Advisors to The League Board serve a three-year term, guiding the direction The League takes on behalf of Wisconsin credit unions and their 3.8 million members. They attend quarterly League Board meetings as active participants, but in a non-voting capacity. They uphold the same fiduciary standards as traditional directors. Applicants must be registered members of the YP Network and demonstrate:

  • Longevity working for credit unions and experience in their own credit union
  • Additional relevant experience 
  • Service to the credit union movement and in the community
  • Creativity
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Desire to learn and grow within The Movement 
The call for applications is currently closed. 
