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The Young Professionals Network

The YP Network is free to join

The Young Professionals (YP) Network is an open group of over 950 Wisconsin credit union staff and volunteers, age 40 and younger, that focuses on providing career development opportunities, networking, and education. Through the YP Network, The League aims to:

  • Connect Young Professionals with like-minded peers and encourage idea sharing and collaboration
  • Engage Young Professionals with training, networking events, and other opportunities that provide resources and workable knowledge they can bring back to their credit union
  • Retain Talent within The Movement, for long-term prosperity of credit unions

YP Network Benefits

  • Discounts & Exclusive Access to Events
    YP Network members receive scholarships and exclusive invites to attend some of the biggest credit union conferences in Wisconsin and around the country. Network members are eligible for discounts on event registration costs, cheaper hotel deals, and other perks.

  • Training Events Tailored to YPs
    Special events tailored to the needs of young professionals, like our YP Boot Camps, are available to YP Network members at no cost.

  •  News & Connectivity
    Through the quarterly YP newsletter, YP CommUNiTY Group, and other communication channels, members stay current on opportunities to learn and grow their career within credit unions.

YP Leadership

  • YP Advisory Board
    The YP Advisory Board meets regularly to recommend programming, discuss strategies for getting YPs involved in advocacy, and find innovative ways to support The Movement. The board consists of ten credit union young professionals, each serving three-year terms. Appointment Process >>

  • YP Advisors to League Board
    YP advisors to The League Board of Directors serve a three-year term, guiding the direction The League takes on behalf of Wisconsin credit unions and their 3.8 million members. They attend quarterly League Board meetings as active participants, but in a non-voting capacity. They uphold the same fiduciary standards as traditional directors. Appointment Process >>

  • Chapter YP Liaisons
    Some local chapters assign YP Liaisons. Chapters seeking YP Liaisons can contact Jenny Klamm for assistance with finding candidates.
  • YP Network Committees
    As a YP, would you like to get more involved but are not sure how to start? Check out our YP Network Committees to expand your activities, social network, and to influence programming for you and your peers. 

Become a YP Network Member

It's free!


YP Network service projects

YP Network training

YP Network special events


Questions? Contact Jenny Klamm, League Director of Meetings & Events.

YP Boot Camp

YP Boot Camp - Our speakers will present top-of-mind content in an interactive and engaging format. There will also be time for conversation and exchange of ideas with your young professional colleagues from across the state.

Exploring Why™ Workshop

The National Credit Union Foundation (NCUF) Exploring Why™ Workshop is an experiential training program that credit unions and system partners can use to help their employees connect to the credit union difference and discover new and better ways to drive value for the members and organization. Exploring Why is intended for all credit union employees regardless of tenure.

The Foundation Invitational

Don't miss our annual golf scramble to benefit the Wisconsin Credit Union Foundation!