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YP Network Committees 

As a YP, would you like to get more involved but are not sure how to start? Check out our YP Network Committees to expand your activities, social network, and to influence programming for you and your peers. Interested in joining a committee? Complete this form. Contact Jenny Klamm with any questions.


Advocacy Committee

This committee will work to create greater awareness and participation in The League’s advocacy efforts. Members of this committee will work closely with League staff in participating in sharing The Difference with elected representatives, participating in advocacy-related activities, and encouraging fundraising for WCULAF (Wisconsin Credit Union Legislative Action Fund) and Members’ Conduit


Boot Camp Committee

This committee will work to create programing and themes for YP Boot Camps. This will include, but is not limited to, determining the theme of the Boot Camp, think of speakers and activities for the Boot Camps, determine the community service project for the Boot Camp, and other activities as determined. 


YP Conference Committee

This committee will work to create programing for the annual YP Conference. This will include, but is not limited to, determining speakers, activities, community service projects and other programming for the annual event. 


HYPE Committee

This committee will work to create programing for HYPE (Helping Young Professionals Engage) at Convention. This will include, but is not limited to, developing credit union philosophy-based education for the Wednesday session at the League’s Annual Convention, special breakout sessions for HYPE participants, and other activities as determined.



Philanthropy Committee

This committee will work to create programing and establish connections for community service projects at Boot Camps, Convention, YP Conference, Foundation, and other events.